e-ISSN 1973-4913
Volume : 43 Issue : 1 Year : 2024
Editor in Chief

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pelviperineology. 2023; 42(1): 25-27 | DOI: 10.34057/PPj.2023.42.01.2022-7-1

The management of a bicycle trauma leading to vulvar tissue loss: A case report

1Plastic Surgeon, Özel Ege Liva Hospital, Aydın, Türkiye, 2Gynecologist and Obstetrician, Private Clinic of Urogynecology, İzmir, Türkiye, 3Gynecologist and Obstetrician, Clinics of Obstetric and Gynecology of Muğla Research and Training Hospital, Muğla, Türkiye

Vulvar tissue losses due to trauma are rare and few cases have been reported in the literature. In cases with tissue loss surgical intervention is necessary. Not only the vulvar reconstruction but also tissue perfusion with blood is utmost important. We present the case of a patient with vulvar tissue loss due to bike accident and the management of the patient.

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ALTIPARMAK M, SİVASLIOĞLU A, HALICI T. The management of a bicycle trauma leading to vulvar tissue loss: A case report. 2023; 42(1): 25-27

Corresponding Author: SİVASLIOĞLU A.

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